Five things you need to know now

It’s been a busy week, especially now that the summer holiday season is fast approaching, and plenty of things still on the table waiting to be completed. Beyond all the usual stuff, I’ve been busy lately with these five things:
1. Recap of Build 2020
I’ve taken the habit to write a recap of major Microsoft events, and last week with Build 2020 happening it was time to do it again. You can read my recap of the key segments, and today I also published the reflections from all the major announcements on the Rencore blog.
2. Chat with Christian Buckley
I had a fun chat with Christian Buckley about everything, including Build, my role at Microsoft, and on managing our tasks.
3. Azure cost-saving tips
A few quotes and insights from Andrew Connell, Chris Johnson and myself on Azure cost-saving.
4. Presenting at C3 Global Cloud Skills Tour
I presented at their in-person event in early January, and now I’m presenting my updated talk on being future-ready – it’s a free online event, you can register here.
5. Lecturing at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences this August
I’m lecturing on building enterprise solutions using Microsoft Azure, on August 10-14. If all goes well, it will be a classroom delivery, but the alternative plan is to do it as an online course. I plan on covering the basics of Azure, development tools, Web Apps and APIs, Serverless, the basics of containers, App Insights, and Data Platforms. You can see the course here.
Bonus: I’m presenting at Project Management PSA Saturday
And now for something slightly different, I’m presenting on GitHub for non-developers at the Project Management PSA Saturday. You can sign up for the event here!