About me
My name is Jussi Roine, and I'm based in Helsinki, Finland.

I was born at the ripe age of 0 in 1977. I was drawn to computers at an early age, and much to the surprise of my parents, I learned BASIC on a VIC-20 in record time. Fast-forward to 1989, and I found the Internet—the information superhighway at my fingertips! I've done my share of Gopher, telnet, and IRC, I guess.
Then, in 1990, I 'saw the light' and started fiddling with this Linux thing. That was fun. Compiling the kernel while attending a high school class was memorable, too. I've kept working on the technology, focusing on Microsoft platforms and solutions since 1994. I still miss Windows NT 3.51.
I work on challenging Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, and Power Platform projects as a consultant, architect, and developer. Sometimes, this is called being an advisor, and that's where I thrive. Another aspect I enjoy is business and strategy—both in building my companies and helping customers.

I'm a Microsoft MVP on security and a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Feel free to contact me for partnerships, project queries, and anything Microsoft-related! The best way to reach me is via email at jussi@roine.fi or Linkedin at https://aka.ms/jussi.