Yellow borders in Windows 11 - what's up with that?

Yellow borders in Windows 11 - what's up with that?
Photo by Linus Mimietz / Unsplash

This is a quick one, perhaps mainly as a reminder for myself. If you one day wake up, make coffee, and sleepwalk to the home office only to wonder why your Windows 11 desktop is sporting fresh yellow borders - it's because of Sysinternals ZoomIt!

When you accidentally hit Ctrl + 5, ZoomIt assumes you'd love to record your screen. As long as those yellow borders are visible, it's recording. Once you hit Ctrl + 5 the second time, it'll dump the recording to your chosen directory.

For reference, it also records when the PC is locked (it shows as a black screen in the recording), and that's why I had a 5.5 GB video file waiting for me this morning.